Lee Roversi

****undeniable, illegal, abuses

But, in some countries in the world, spanking is just that - - - undeniably
abusive and therefore illegal.

Love, Lee

North Country Farms
An Organic Family Farm & Tropical B&B Cottages
. . . an eco-tourism destination . . .
P.O. Box 723
Kilauea, HI 96754
808-828-1513 phone and voice mail


On 26 Oct 02, at 8:05, Lee Roversi wrote:

> ****undeniable, illegal, abuses
> But, in some countries in the world, spanking is just that - - -
> undeniably abusive and therefore illegal.
> Love, Lee
My mother is of the firm opinion that the reason for so many
teenage pregnannices, crime rates etc etc, is to much permissive
parenting and not enough spanking.
She's always yelling at my kids for not 'showing respect'



"You laugh at me because I'm different. I laugh at you because you are all the same."