Thad Martin


there have a few threads that have touched upon the issue of vaccines so
i thought i would pass on this web site. also a good book which is in
keeping with 'thinking outside the box', what about immunization?
exposing the vaccine philosophy a parents' guide to the vaccine
decision by cynthia cournoyer. the book basically says that to not
immunizing is more than just to not do it (much like unschooling is more
than just not sending your kids to school). by choosing to not
immunize you must begin to see health, illness and germ theory in a
completely different way than it is commonly thought of. personally, i
found this book very helpful in both making a decision and in maintain
my confidence in that decision when those overwhelming doubts and loud
public opinions override my own choice and trust in what i believe to be
the healthiest decision for our family.


An introduction to the contradictions between medical science and
immunization policy.
c by Alan Phillips (aphillip@...). Last Revision: February

See the Informed Parents Vaccination Home Page" on the World Wide Web at
URL: :