Mary Bianco

>From: "joanna514" <Wilkinson6@...>

<<Where are your other children during nap times?
I haven't been able to keep a silent house for a long time.
My baby(she's 3 now) can sleep through *anything*, with 3 older
siblings in the house.>>

When my first was born, I would tiptoe around the house and keep it dark and
barely breath. Thought she would get her best sleep like that. Well she did
as long as there was no noise. Someone would ring my doorbell and she'd wake
up and scream bloody murder.

When I had my second, I made sure not to keep the house like a morgue. It
really worked out well. It was like the whole restriction thing. As long as
I didn't keep the noise away, it didn't bother my son or the two that
followed. Thankfully the last one hasn't proved me wrong as I couldn't keep
the house silent now if my life depended on it!!!

Mary B

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> When my first was born, I would tiptoe around the house and keep it
dark and
> barely breath. Thought she would get her best sleep like that. Well
she did
> as long as there was no noise. Someone would ring my doorbell and
she'd wake
> up and scream bloody murder.

I chuckle when I think back at the literally *stupid* things I did
with my first born.
My mom, years later when discussing me as a new mom, compared me to a
mother cat; overprotective!
Everything had to be perfect.
Now with my forth, I can really appreciate how much harder I made it
on myself back then. My poor dh didn't have a clue as how to handle
anything, and everything he did wasn't good enough. I was such an
IDIOT! LOL (I blame it on youth and hormones)