Pam Hartley

>From: [email protected]
>To: [email protected]
>Subject: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 2541
>Date: Thu, Oct 24, 2002, 10:31 AM

> Pam or anyone,
> have you ever had ferrets? if so can you share the pros and cons? my son
> would also like one of them and a sugar glider. we have been told that a
> ferret smells no matter if they are descented and it can't be controlled.
> I am allergic to cats so I thought maybe a ferret would be a problem.

We LOVE ferrets, but I think they are very unsuitable for small children. A
mature 10 or so would probably be fine. They're very active, busy,
intelligent, and not unwilling to bite if not well trained and socialized.

The boys smell more than the girls, but with bathing and frequent litter box
changes, the odor isn't overwhelming.

If you're allergic to other mammals I'd find a ferret breeder, or spend a
bunch of time with some ferrets in a pet store, and see how you react before
you decide.


Mary Bianco

From my experience with ferrets, they either are great or little pain in the
butts. It depends on their personalities. They seem to be either good or bad
and no in between!!!

The bad ones are nerve wracking. They poop in the corners of your house if
you leave them loose, they refuse to litter train, they bite and scratch and
just behae as not good pets.

The good ones get along great with dogs and cats and people. They are funny
and sweet and litter train easily and become joys to behold.

All ferrets smell. They don't stink but they do have an odor. Some people
hardly notice. Some ferret love baths and if bathed like once a week, no
smell. They all love to play so leaving things out that you treasure if they
are loose is a no no. Certain things fascinate them and they will scoop them
up to play and you may never see them again. They also love small places and
can squeeze anywhere their little heads fit. Behind appliances and any kind
of opening in the house must be ferret proofed before you let them out.

When they do play, some can get very rambunctious. For very small children,
it might not be a good idea. And some can get carried away and bite. It
hurts. They have the tiniest sharpest little teeth.

People either love them as pets or swear never again.

Mary B

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