[email protected]

Joyce: You may have something here. I thought a while ago that she was trying
to get the other child's attention, but dismissed that after some incidents
where she lashed out when she was exhausted. It more complicated to deal
with, but I'm wondering now if it's a combination: a behavior she's using
when she's overtired, and also when she wants to interact (but doesn't know
how). I think we've been looking for one answer, and it looks like it might
be more than that.

Your idea that she isn't sure how to ask another child to play might be on
target - Kalie's our only one, and although she gets a fair amount of
playtime with other children, they're all just at the age where they're
starting to actually play with each other (instead of playing side-by-side,
but not involved with each other).

Thanks - we'll give this one some thought, too!

> From: Fetteroll <fetteroll@...>
> > I've seen her walk up to a playmate who
> > has been playing quietly, and kick them in in the heels for no apparent
> > reason.
> Could she be wanting the other child to play or wanting to join in but not
> sure how to go about asking?
> Joyce

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