Julie Stauffer

<<Hopefully this helps with some of your questions>>

Thanks Dorothy, it does. I have found an organization (I contacted them as
soon as I found out we were having puppies) and they agreed to evaluate the
dogs for their program at 9 months.

We've been doing the socialization thing. The dogs ride in the car, go to
baseball games, spend time with our rabbits, goats and chickens, go for
walks. I'm hoping to spend more time taking them into the city soon.


Julie Stauffer

<<you could place them as pets>>

Actually, that has been plan A all along with plan B being the service
organization (I did talk with one that is willing to evaluate the dog and my
Dad has contacts with the drug dogs in Texas) and having them as our pets is
plan C. We live in a semi-rural area just north of San Antonio, prime
dog-dumping real estate so finding homes for pups is tough. Of course, the
only people we've had ask about them are people I wouldn't give a cat too
much less a dog LOL.

The limited interaction with other dogs is tricky around here. But I'll see
what I can do.

Thanks for the insight.


Mary Bianco

>From: "Julie Stauffer" <jnjstau@...>

<<We've been doing the socialization thing. The dogs ride in the car, go to
baseball games, spend time with our rabbits, goats and chickens, go for
walks. I'm hoping to spend more time taking them into the city soon.>>

Okay I'm really tired here so consider the source. Reminds me of the old
joke about a guy finding a monkey and his friend asks him if he took him to
the zoo and the guy said yes, and they had to much fun, they're going to the
baseball game tomorrow!!

Mary B (who has visions of all the little dogs hanging out in the stadium,
eating hot dogs and talking about their big trip to the city!!!)

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