Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

>I keep the favorites in a pile for her scrapbook - it's actually all in a
drawer >right now, as I haven't actually put anything in a scrapbook... but
the drawer is >filling, so I'll have to do it soon.

I keep a Rubbermaid tote in a closet (about 5 gal. size) for keepsakes for
my boys (one for each child.) I put things in them periodically. They
contain my children's baby books, some hospital polaroids which did not fit
well in the scrapbook, my toddlers first painting, a pair of tiny newborn
booties for each of them, and other special things. I have lots of room
left for adding things over the years, and it takes many more types of
things than a scrapbook. In fact, it holds their scrapbooks too.

Nanci K. in Idaho