[email protected]

I finally got in touch with the lady last night!
This is a black Shetland colt. It is 6 months old. The person selling has a
large horse farm for carriages, and is depleting part of her business. Today,
we shall go and see what she has to offer. There are 15 horses for sale, from
the colt to older full size horses. I know that I would have to have the
children break the colt and that with it only growing to 4 ft, chances are
the children will have a horse, not me. It is my dream to have horses,
though. Regardless of papers, breed, etc.

Thanks everyone for answering. I was close to tears when dh gave the "ok" and
handed me the telephone! Now to find a place for it to go. I think that the
city would go nuts over a horse (they hated the chickens)...

Teacher and Mommy of 4 homeschooling fanatics, wife to the best principal,
protector of many pets and wild ones, and unpublished writer.
I think that I will move closer to the gym, that way between sets,
I can run home and eat something sweet to keep up my energy! s.
Believe in others, and be a part; believe in yourself, and be the lead. s.
***Life's Learnings Academy - Protecting Our Children***
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