Julie Stauffer

Perhaps thing are different state to state in 4-H but I wouldn't think so.
I am a co-leader of our 4-H group and lead several animal projects here.
What I like best about 4-H is that YOU decide your level of commitment.

In our county at least, you can most certainly show animals without even
being in an animal project, per se. If you do join a project group, you
don't have to do everything that the group offers. Here a project is
defined as 6 learning activities and a community service activity. I run
the rabbit project and offer 6 meetings with different topics. Kids can be
involved in the project and simply not complete it if they don't do all six
meetings OR they can do some of the meetings and do other things, like talk
to breeders, do a rabbit judging contest, etc., to make out 6 learning
activities and complete the project that way.

In 4-H, very little is MANDATORY.
