Heather Woodward

Marji wrote:

And, whatever inconveniences that
may cause me are totally outweighed by his obvious joy at getting to
snuggle with me. He is so happy and joyful, and it is the simplest thing
to do. I feel so grateful that I can do that little thing for him and see
him be so happy! It has always been that way, and I know that one day it
won't be. One day, he'll probably get himself off to bed (hard to
imagine!) and he won't wiggle and squirm with joy to be next to me.

Thank you Marji -

This is such a great reminder to me as I am in the "snuggle me" stage. Sometimes it does cause inconvience as I am going to college, running a home business etc. that make night time a good time to sit and work. I hate to admit this but more often than not in the last 5 weeks since school started up for me again said No to the snuggling because I had to get work done. Boy - is that crazy or what?? It's like those Hallmark commercials where the kids keeps asking the busy parent for the book and they keep saying "in a minute" the minute never comes so there they are buying this Hallmark card to make up for it.

My 8 dd and I are reading the Secret Garden together. You know how many times she has begged for "just one more chapter" Most often I do indulge - but there are evenings where I am less than congenial about it.

And this is the thing you reminded me of Marji - It will all come to an end to quickly and my teenagers won't be begging me to snuggle them and I will have the time to do this... so I have to do it now ;-)


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