[email protected]


Why don't you try the 4-H for a month? I'm sure her spot at the center
wouldn't be lost if she left for a few weeks.

If you're looking for a reason to change: tell her that different trainers
have unique things to offer. Years ago when I owned a tack shop, I took a
class every weekday morning (before opening at 10:00) from a different
trainer---I can't tell you how much I learned in a few months' time. This vs
classes from the same trainer all the time. She would probably be surprised
at the HUGE improvement in a short amount of time by changing for a while (or

Plus the more you're "on" and around the horses and the more (different)
horses you're with, the more they (the horses) put you on the spot to
perform---and improve.

As for expenses---has she not looked into working for time on? Mucking
stalls? Pulling manes? Feeding in the mornings (since school kids don't have
this opportunity)? Or evenings? If it's a ritzy equestrian center, she might
find someone with $$ but not a lot of time who would like her to ride or
groom or clean tack. Or even hand-walk/bathe a sick horse.

I used to make a TON of money as a teen because I could clean tack like
noone's business. I could also clip the horses and pull & braid manes. I'd
take folks' tack home with me Thursday nights and clean it all, then be at
the barn by 4:00 to braid manes and tails before the shows. I charged by the
braid! I can make 'em REALLY tiny and neat!! <G> With colored yarn, extra! I
put checkerboards on their rumps for extra. I was the only one at one barn
who knew how to put bandages on---this back when they were quilts and wraps
and not velcro! <G> I usually MADE money on foxhunt/event/show weekends even
WITH entry fees, trailer fees, and food.

It depends on the barns. I started at a "poor" barn where everyone did her
own work---and learned A LOT!!! But the high-rent barns are a GREAT place for
making $$$ doing stuff other folks don't WANT to do.

I'd be happy to talk with her about stuff! She can IM me anytime!
