Julie Stauffer

<<This is all sounding expensive. I've not yet been to a vet in the US>>

Just to look at this from the other side of the fence.... We have had at
least 2 dogs at all times during the last 20 years (we currently have 5).
We have never used a heartworm preventative and have never had a dog go to
the vet for an illness (One went after being hit by a car and one went after
being bit by a snake). Any dog that has died has been of old age.

Dh is an EMT and went to a training last night that he found very
interesting. The speaker stated that back before they started trying to get
everyone to have CPR training, if your heart stopped away from a medical
facility, you had a 6% chance of living. Today with so many people having
CPR training, lots of places having defibrillators (sp?) on site, advances
in medicine, better trained paramedics and better equipt ambulances, if you
have a cardiac arrest away from a medical facility, you still have a 6%
chance of living. Wow.

Who is it that makes us believe that better medical training and treatment
is what makes the difference between life and death in these situations?
The people who make their living providing medical training and treatment.

Just a thought.
