Lee Roversi

Hello again listmates-
I am on the digest form of reception of this list, and, for some reason, my
computer crashed twice trying to open it up today! And, I know there were
some heartfelt responses to my request for help/ideas/support regarding my
precious son, Bay. A few of you wrote me directly and mentioned other folks
suggestions. I'm going nuts not being able to read all the wealth of ideas
that I know you kind folks offered! So, if you did respond to my post of
yesterday, would you do me the HUGE favor of resending your email to me
personally (so we don't clog up the list with repeated ideas). I will be
greatly appreciative. Hope that I can return the favor someday. I'll post
again after reading people's ideas.
Eagerly awaiting your responses.
Mahalo and aloha, Lee
North Country Farms
An Organic Family Farm & Tropical B&B Cottages
. . . an eco-tourism destination . . .
P.O. Box 723
Kilauea, HI 96754
808-828-1513 phone and voice mail