Lee Roversi

Aloha dear listmates-
My son, Sky, who is a19 year old unschooled student of life, first played a
wooden flute in first grade at a Waldorf School - that passion for music
has now extended to his owning, and playing daily with various degrees of
proficiency - Highland bagpipes, recorder, violin, guitar, tinwhistles,
keyboard, African drum, clarinet, piano, trumpet, ocarina, bamboo flute,
and harmonica. . . . he has taken lessons on/off/on/on/off/off since 7
years old. . . several of the instruments he has collected in different
ways - bought on trips (he would rather browse in Lark in the Morning - a
music store in California - than any where else!), traded for, gotten as
gifts, etc. . . I have tried to help facilitate his interest - providing
lessons when that was possible, buying CDs as gifts, supporting his
pursuing being a classical music programmer at our community radio station,
etc. . . but I never forced him to practice, or continue with lessons when
he felt he had gotten something out of it and was ready to stop or pause or
switch . . if a child has a gift and/or passion for music (or whatever) - I
feel I can only encourage and bless that. . . not "make them" do it. . . it
is my opinion that doesn't work.
Just my thoughts this windy, misty evening on Kauai,
North Country Farms
An Organic Family Farm & Tropical B&B Cottages
. . . an eco-tourism destination . . .
P.O. Box 723
Kilauea, HI 96754
808-828-1513 phone and voice mail