Don and Crys Meaker


My step-sons are fascinated with the fact that I unschool Terry and
Lapis. The day will come that they will be living with us and they
say they want to be unschooled too. The problem is they have NO
social skills (their current living situation has them ashamed to
have friends over and the friends they do have they fight with
sometimes because of their situation and basically has them
social hermits). They also say that they don't like school because
it is boring and they are always WAY ahead of the other students.

It took them a minute to realize that they are schooled over here
every waking minute. They are here every other week (about) and
we glean lessons from everything. We have gotten moral lessons
from every movie we have seen (from Queen to the Aliens movies).
Because of their mothers racism and religious intolerance, they
keep many of their lessons under a bushel (they refused to say
what they did the weekends we watched X and the weekend we
watched Roots).

What I want to know is do they need a good enough reason to be
homeschooled by me? Their mother would like nothing more than
to see them have trouble getting to college because they were
homeschooled. I was thinking I would homeschool them until HS
age and then send them to the local HS. Then when they are here
they won't have the problem inviting friends over for snacks, dinner,
overnight, etc that they do living with their mom (except here they
have the annoying brother and sister -- they just don't think of Terry
and Lapis as annoying -- yet <VEG>).

I don't know what to do. HELP!!
