[email protected]

Have you looked under the GA thread at unschooling.com? I bet you could find
people in your state fairly easy. Just go to unschooling.com and click on
the "across the country" folder, then to GA.
You have let these people intimidate you and make you believe you have to
listen to them. You don't.
Your child could never, ever be in the grades that require testing (just skip
third grade). I personally feel tests are damaging and would not make my
child take one under pressure, just for some stupid law.
I have an old GWS (growing without schooling) magazine that has a directory
of unschoolers. I'll see if there is anyone in your area. email me and let me
know what town you're in, or your zip code and I'll research for ya! You
aren't alone, trust me.
Don't let those idiots in your home ever again, they have no right.
I'm glad you stood up to her, she was WAY overstepping her authority.
