Liza Sabater

Hey gang,

Thanks for changing the subject line. I have been lurking, like
usual and it definitely caught my eye. If Sandra had not mentioned
it, I would not have remember it's been a year ---AND WHAT A YEAR!
One of the tidbits of information that did not make it to the article
was my goal for this first year --to explore NYC and to start out
from the tallest point in the city. We were going to the trade that
Wednesday. The rest is history.

I still have to take the kids there. I am so spaced out I was going
to take them today to a park that is just a few blocks away but I
decided against it. Mark left for Vienna for Ars Electronica (a huge
convention for Internet developers and artists) and I would not want
to remind Evan of what he witnessed a year ago. He still has vivid
images of it even as I have made sure that he does not watch any
news. I do not want to make him worried sick about his father and
yet, I am ---the people at Ars do not have yet a return ticket for
Mark because they are waiting to see what is going to happen after
the 11th :-( These are very trying times.

Anyhow, today all his friends are in school. We declined his
admittance to a magnet school here in NYC because, after a year, this
is what makes sense. We are actually getting ready to go to the
American Museum of National History. He's been obsessed with volcanos
and wants to see what the museum has about them. Also, they are doing
renovations on our building's roof and we happen to live on the top
floor. For the next month and a half we have to spend most of our
days out of this place if we do not want to be jackhammered to

So is the life and yet, as Mary (zenmomma) says, life is good.

Write to y'all soon,