In a message dated 9/9/2002 1:30:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> This doesn't happen every day but enough for me to worry why I can't
> solve this. You can tell right away he's sorry he does it but just
> doesn't think about it first. We've worked out together all kinds of
> other ways for him to solve the problem but when the time comes, he
> doesn't use any of them. These are the 2 that are 13 months apart.
> They are almost 7 and 8. She's the younger one.

Kids with low impulse control are really difficult -- and it may last
throughout his life or not. One thing to do is to ask him to be really
conscious of how he's feeling inside during the seconds right before he
lashes out. Get him really aware of the feelings, even though for him they
build up really quickly. Get him to articulate them -- naming them really
really helps, just in itself, because he can SAY them outloud.

Try reading, ICPS --- Marilyn Shure -- I Can Problem Solve. It'll give you a
lot of really concrete ideas for this kind of thing.


The National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Mary Bianco

>From: PSoroosh@...

>Try reading, ICPS --- Marilyn Shure -- I Can Problem Solve. It'll give you
>lot of really concrete ideas for this kind of thing.

Thanks so much Pam. The books I've tried so far did not apply. I never heard
of this one. I'll check it out.

Mary B

Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.


Pam could you tell us more about ICPS --- Marilyn Shure -- I Can Problem
Solve? It is not in either of my nearby library collections - so if it
is very useful I could recommend it.

Stawell, Victoria, Australia

-----Original Message-----
From: PSoroosh@... [mailto:PSoroosh@...]
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2002 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Unschooling-dotcom] Digest Number 2351

In a message dated 9/9/2002 1:30:09 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> This doesn't happen every day but enough for me to worry why I can't
> solve this. You can tell right away he's sorry he does it but just
> doesn't think about it first. We've worked out together all kinds of
> other ways for him to solve the problem but when the time comes, he
> doesn't use any of them. These are the 2 that are 13 months apart.
> They are almost 7 and 8. She's the younger one.

Kids with low impulse control are really difficult -- and it may last
throughout his life or not. One thing to do is to ask him to be really
conscious of how he's feeling inside during the seconds right before he
lashes out. Get him really aware of the feelings, even though for him
build up really quickly. Get him to articulate them -- naming them
really helps, just in itself, because he can SAY them outloud.

Try reading, ICPS --- Marilyn Shure -- I Can Problem Solve. It'll give
you a
lot of really concrete ideas for this kind of thing.


The National Home Education Network
Changing the Way the World Sees Homeschooling!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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