Mary Bianco

Sandra wrote:
>I don't know if that answers the question or not, and I'm not
positive I
>understand the question. IF the question is suggesting that
something I was
>doing would encourage hitting and cause it to be habitual, I can't
see how it
>would (and it didn't).

I don't know what happened to my email but everything bounced and I'm
now just going through all the stuff I missed. Not sure if this got posted
or not but I would really LOVE a response in the way of "have you tried
this" or "this might work" from SOMEONE!

Sandra, my question was in no way meant to reflect on anything you
did with your kids. I was asking on behalf of myself and my kids.
My son is rather an old soul and so very different from our other 3.
Much more complex. He just doesn't get keeping his hands to himself
with his sister. I also don't go with the never hit thing and have
explained that whole scenario. He gets that, he understands that it's
not nice to hit or even productive within the family. But when his
sister frustrates him, like I know she's good at doing, he just
smacks her without thinking. He knows he shouldn't, he admits to me
that he did it and why. I just can't seem to get him to come to me or
say something to her first. His first reaction is to pop her one. Now
it's not really bad.(meaning she's not really physically hurt) He doesn't
use anything but his hand and it's
not a punch or anything and she gets very dramatic when he does it.
The whole thing ends up a major deal on both parts. Whatever I've
been saying isn't getting it.

This doesn't happen every day but enough for me to worry why I can't
solve this. You can tell right away he's sorry he does it but just
doesn't think about it first. We've worked out together all kinds of
other ways for him to solve the problem but when the time comes, he
doesn't use any of them. These are the 2 that are 13 months apart.
They are almost 7 and 8. She's the younger one.

Mary B

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