Campbell & Wyman

>Rambling it may be, but I really liked what you had to say. I have had
>squirmy feelings about unit studies. In some ways they are better than some
>other types of 'school' work but they always feel somewhat contrived to me.

Yes...I hear you! I have forked out some fairly hefty Canadian dollars on
unit studies that sound fabulous but the girls get turned off very quickly
by these now. I think that perhaps it is the fact that they are getting
older and realize that they can self-direct their learning. I am happy
about that I am organizing a Used Curriculum Fair and will sell
everything 'unit-study-ish'.

Before I got smart and figured this all out I purchased Beyond Five in a
ROw. The girls had loved Five in a ROw when they were younger so I just
figured they would love Beyond...
But things had changed. There were eye-rolls all around when I started in
with the Beyond Five in a Row. They had outgrown that type of adult-led
learning. They enjoy it when I facilitate, they don't mind when I suggest,
but they clearly don't like being led.
Book closed.

looking at a grey sky but no snow yet....
