Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/27/02 2:39 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

>>> I doubt that police went up to a man and shot him because his children
>>> were out of school.>>

You're right, it was more complicated than that.
But what it boiled down to was exactly that. I believe it is true in many
places just like it is in my town in CT: The school system pulls most of the
strings of power and money. They want to possess the children, and to be
paid for it.

Thanks again, Mary, for your research. The story speaks for itself...the
authorities can find enough about any one of us, if they want to, to do
terrible things to us -- all within the laws. (just like the schools can use
any reason they want to recommend our children get drugged) The problem is
the arrogance of government officials, combined, often, with their deep
ignorance and feeling a need to control and interfere in people's lives.
It's why the laws need constant scrutiny and change.

The stories of Ruby Ridge and Waco have similarities (only much worse) to
the one in Utah years ago. I was farming in western Colorado at the time of
the Utah incident. We saw similar attitudes around us and had Mormon
acquaintances among our ranching community. The shooting was big news.

Ned Vare
>Ned, I no longer have faith in your reporting. Please withdraw this claim
>or give us documentation from an objective source, if possible, and not a
>libertarian scare-sermon.>>
I forget who this was, but I hope she's satisfied now with my claim and will
refrain from connecting "libertarian" with "scare" in her future cheap