[email protected]

In a message dated 11/4/99 2:56:12 AM !!!First Boot!!!,
[email protected] writes:

<< I have a dim memory of
coloring my lips red with a crayon in kindergarten and the teacher
freaking out bc she thought I was eating the crayon! >>

In all fairness to your teacher, crayons back then contained high levels of
lead. I commend your teacher for freaking out on you. I wish more teachers
had and had a better knowledge of the dangers lead to children. Millions of
children were poisoned when you were a child and no one was aggresively
protecting them from this insidious poison. Unfortunately, if you were
coloring your lips with the crayon, you probably did get a good dose of lead
in you at that time :o(

Here's to artistry and creativity... but it can be crushed by the damage lead
causes to the brain, not just ranting educators who insist you color in the
lines and be like everyone else :o)

Kim in Ohio
Childhood lead poisoning prevention advocate, community organizer - program
development coordinator for the Association of Parents to Prevent Lead
Exposure (APPLE)
Mom to two great guys