Thomas and Nanci Kuykendall

>I worry about...toddler programs that are geared for
>children entering the school system. Franklin and Little Bear are the
worst I think
>because they're about "days in life of".
>Brooke in Oklahoma

I Love Little Bear! Explain to me how it could focus on an IS schooling
mentality when Little Bear does not go to school and in fact spends his
time unschooling by wandering around playing in the woods, doing cooking
experiemnts at home, using his imagination and playing with his friends.
The only edpisode I have ever seen which even mentioned school was one in
which his best freind Emily had to start attending school and so would be
gone from the Forest until the following summer. So Little Bear taught
himself to read and write (with a little help from Mother and Father Bear)
at home so that he could send letters to her. Anyhow, I was just curious
what you found negative about it, since we all love it so much at our house.

Nanci K.