Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/26/02 9:28 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

Question for Joyce (the moderator): Is the following post ON TOPIC?
If so, why? And if so, is an answer also on topic?
If not, why not?


> Message: 14
> Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 21:59:03 +1000 (EST)
> From: Leonie Bury <burysleojbab@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: truancy fines
> truancy fines
> yes, they are talking about introducing them here too.
> ALso about taking possession of children who "truant",
> this is a problem here because in many states it is
> hard to get permission to homeschool, therefore your
> child can be deemed to be truanting.
> "Forget the cheese, let's get out of this trap" a
> mouse (from JT Gatto)
> Leonie in Australia


on 8/27/02 2:40 AM, Luz Shosie and Ned Vare at nedvare@... wrote:

> Question for Joyce (the moderator): Is the following post ON TOPIC?
> If so, why? And if so, is an answer also on topic?
> If not, why not?

It is not an invitation for a political rant against schools and government.
It could lead to a discussion of specific ways other people have handled the
situation themselves, pointers to other sources of information and better
forums to discuss the specifics of the situation.

It won't get detailed because it can't on this international list which
serves the purpose of helping people gets started with unschooling. The
problem, if she chooses to tackle it, is way too big to handle here, and way
too specific to be of use to those who are looking for ways to help their

Unschooling-dotcom moderator