Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/24/02 9:31 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Other temporary dodges include "We're thinking of moving out of the state,"
> or "I think we're leaving town in a day or two" (and hey... there's always
> just leaving town!!) and "He's not feeling good and I'm afraid of West Nile
> Hunta Fecal Swamp Rot."

Why not just tell them the truth?

Ned Vare

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/25/02 11:58:50 AM, nedvare@... writes:

> Other temporary dodges include "We're thinking of moving out of the state,"
> or "I think we're leaving town in a day or two" (and hey... there's always
> just leaving town!!) and "He's not feeling good and I'm afraid of West Nile
> Hunta Fecal Swamp Rot."-=-

-=-Why not just tell them the truth?-=-

Ned, you've quoted me, but it's not about me. I was answering a question.
You could have answered the poster's question too! And perhaps you have, by
saying "tell them the truth."

I know (AND YOU KNOW) that I recommended that clearly.
Then I went on to make humorous and facetious suggestions in case the family
wasn't confident enough to say "Back Off" to the schools.

Some people are braver than others.
Some are more able to tell the plain truth than others.
