Barbara E. McNiff

Hi - After watching my kids struggle to sit comfortably and draw or write at
the kitchen table I had my husband build a huge low table. I found
children's tables you buy too small. There's no room on them to spread out
the art supplies - large sheets of paper and what ever books they may be
using. Mine love to copy pictures from encyclopedias. So I made up the
dimensions (we figured height by having the tallest sit in a child's chair
and seeing where it would hit her best and added an inch or so to take us
few a couple years) - very deep and long and big enough for two - and he
built it. It's perfect. Both my 6 and 4 year old sit there voluntarily -
it's the place of choice to head off and do things on their own. For chairs
I have those public school kindergarten metal with plastic seat jobbies. I
have a realtive who is involved in the local schools and apparently they
throw these things (and desks) out periodically. We snagged two and they
were in perfect condition.
