John O. Andersen

Okay kids, here are your new words for the day:

1. >> Hebetate, v. To make dull or obtuse.

He walked into the company doors a creative, energetic person, a
breath of
fresh air; but before long, they boxed him in, forced him to abandon
individuality -- one more corporate hebetation of an original
Source: W A T C H I T! N E W S L E T T E R, Tuesday, November 2, 1999 email: watchit@.... (Thanks Jack!)

2. Babbitt, n. George F. Babbitt, character in the novel "Babbitt" (1922)
by Sinclair Lewis. A business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly
to prevailing middle-class standards.
Source: Webster's.

Additional note: During the 1990s, the terms "Babbitt" and "Corporate
Teamplayer" have become virtually synonomous. Today, teamplay not only has
to do with conformity on the job, but also with such things as the type of
car you drive, and other possessions you purchase, choice of leisure
activities, and worldview.

John Andersen