Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/19/02 5:43 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

Tina wrote:
> Here in IN, kids have to take a comprehensive graduation test. How
> ricidulous! This is required even with good grade averages.
> But the stupidest thing is they have 4 tries, from their sophmore
> year to senior.
> My question: if they pass the thing in their sophmore year shouldn't
> they be allowed to graduate? Watch that one be shot down by the
> board.
> Tina (inmdcrew)

Ned adds:
They don't call it a "system" for nothing. The system wants to control your
life for as long as possible. It gets its life blood (money) from having
bodies in its buildings -- the more bodies, the more blood.

The system is called Outcome Based Education (OBE). It means that the school
is interested in knowing that you have "learned" what it wants you to know.
It doesn't matter how long it takes you to "learn" it, because you can keep
taking the tests until you "pass."

The other reason for the tests is that the government collects personal
information about every student and the tests include several impertinent
questions, such as nationality, race, income, parent occupation, etc.

Your question is a good one: Since high school is designed so that children
will be sure to get an 8th grade schooling, why should the state keep
children in school so long after they have acquired the 8th grade
information. The answer is that it has jobs to fill, money to spend (ours)
and people whom it wants to control. It's all a huge waste of time, money
and children's lives.

The answer is to drop out and go to college when you're ready, or get a job
in order to start your real life - now, why wait? - or unschool in order to
learn whatever interests you. Control your own life.

There is no reason to stay in the school, unless you "like" it.

Ned Vare