[email protected]

In a message dated 8/20/02 1:14:25 AM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

>That part about refusing to test being truancy was put through a year or
>so ago, and the HSLDA establishment/leadership in Arkansas helped pass
>it. :P >>

Yep, sounds like our "advocate" here in FL. She helped push through a law
that prevents any kids that are truant AND had trouble with the law from
homeschooling. I was the ONLY one speaking up against it at a homeschool
meeting a couple years ago...they thought I was nuts.
Aren't those the kids that the school wants to get rid of? How does a law
like that make sense on any level? No one has the right to decide who can and
cannot homeschool. All these fundies are so afraid of anyone making
homeschoolers "look bad" that they are actually limiting our freedoms.
Another reason that HSLDA is dangerous.
Kind of like the laws that require testing. Someone on here said they will
obey the law.....why? Why as an unschooler would you place the law above your
Laws have been unfair, invasive and dangerous. Why would a person that
unschools hold the law in such high regard as to do something that apparently
even some ps'ers have protested against.
I think it is a persons duty to disregard laws that go against basic personal
