[email protected]

Tuck says:
<< neither do I kill
or injure the bugs and creepy-crawlies that have decided to make a home in
our building, although I do capture them, if necessary >>

um.....what do you do with ants? or fleas?



Actually, Marji (me) said this, not Tuck. :-)

At 16:56 8/19/02 -0400, Jess wrote:
>Tuck says:
><< neither do I kill
>or injure the bugs and creepy-crawlies that have decided to make a home in
>our building, although I do capture them, if necessary >>
>um.....what do you do with ants? or fleas?

If we get an ant invasion, we sprinkle crushed and torn-up bay leaves
around the entire perimeter of the house. It really does the trick; those
guys won't cross bay leaves. They also won't cross cinnamon, but that's
messier. Eventually, the ants stop coming. It's not instantaneous, but
that's okay. When I see ants on the counter, I collect them and
"rehabilitate" them.

We haven't had a flea problem in years, and we believe it's because our
guys are healthy. We give them a brewer's yeast and garlic supplement to
help with that, and it really seems to do the trick.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Lisa M. C. Bentley

> >um.....what do you do with ants? or fleas?

I really like the idea of bay leaves and/or cinnamon. In the past, I
have put a line of dish soap (like Ivory or Bi-O-Kleen) around the
kitchen (or whatever room the ants have invaded). This works a lot and
the ants leave.

I take out bugs, too, unless they are dangerous bugs (like scorpions-
haven't had one of those for a while, but I do kill them and it does
make me sad but I can't drive a half an hour away just to save a

Another vegetarian here,
-Lisa in AZ