Joel Hawthorne

Being from the states, living in Canada and being a nurse I am constantly amazed
by the bs emanating from the states re: health care. The number of lies told
about the Canadian system is unbelievable. There is a concerted effort by
American insurance companies, et. al. to propagandize against a Canadian style
system which provides more than adequate coverage for everyone.

It was a sickening thing to watch Clinton and company cave in almost immediately
to the huge vested interests in the US when attempting to reform health care.
The big lie technique works so well. Tell everyone that Canadians have no
choice of doctors when in fact we have more freedom to choose our own doctor
here than anyone in the states who is in an HMO.

Jingoism, chauvinism and blind ignorance prevail. Ah once again the real aim of
schooling is alive and well...serve the interests of the very rich, obey, do NOT
think. Under no circumstances question the status quo. Everything is WONDERFUL.
We live in the best of all possible worlds.

Poor people can die in the streets but it is their own fault.

I am delighted to work in the Canadian system in spite of its imperfections.

And that's where I must go now. End of rant.

"John O. Andersen" wrote:

> From: "John O. Andersen" <andersen@...>
> Just a few weeks ago, a bright young 18 year old girl from our community
> suffered a severe spinal injury which is expected to leave her permanently
> paralyzed from the waist down.
> This accident occurred while she was away at a college where she had entered
> as a freshman just last August. Luckily, she had been wise enough to
> purchase the medical insurance policy available to students through the
> college.
> Sadly, she has already almost maxed out her benefits. She will need
> continuing treatment for many months and years to come. In addition, her
> parents and younger brother must now move out of the house they were renting
> into another house which will be more suitable for their handicapped
> daughter. The new house will need to be fitted with a variety of items just
> to allow this daughter to function on a daily basis. Such adaptations will
> easily add up to tens of thousands of dollars of additional expense.
> Friends of the family have already started an effort to raise funds to help
> this family meet these anticipated gigantic financial obligations.
> This is just another example of how getting sick or injured in the United
> States can not only devastate your health, but your finances as well. Hey,
> I won't argue that it's a great country to live in as long as you're young,
> healthy, and have adequate coverage. It's just when one or more of those
> factors changes that things can get precarious. Some time ago, I learned
> that the
> United States and South Africa are the only two major industrialized
> countries
> which don't provide universal medical coverage for all of their citizens.

best wishes

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Dear Joel

>>It was a sickening thing to watch Clinton and company cave in almost immediately
>to the huge vested interests in the US when attempting to reform health care.
>The big lie technique works so well. <<

Hi, Sessuale here :)
He did cave quickly didn't he? Makes you wonder, did he really cave or was it just that he had never truly planned to reach for a
difference in the first place. I tend to believe that despite the convoluted mess that was his idea if he had truly wanted to break
the hold insurance has on America he would have done it or at least kept trying. I think he simply made a bid to attract sympathy
from the "average joe" and made a quick about face just in time to make sure he didn't make the good ol boys too upset, you know?

Oh Well, there goes my ranting and raving for the night.

Ciao, Sessuale :)

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