Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/17/02 11:58 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Message: 15
> Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 18:53:47 -0400
> From: "simpsons" <bingoqueen@...>
> Subject:
> could everyone send me some great short unschooly quotes and phrases that I
> can paint on my front porch windows? I live directly in front of the
> elementary school an thought it would be fun!
> I have 10 windows that have two pains each and a all glass door!!!!
> thanks for your help!
> please try to make them ones that people will :"get"!
> Tanya Simpson

Whatever your message is, I suggest putting your contact information in a
prominent place. That way, if parents get the idea, they will know how to
contact you. "HOMESCHOOLING INFO: 555-1234

My recommendation is to put ONLY THAT up --
no inflammatory signs at all.

If you include an email address, I suggest a different one from the one
above. "Bingoqueen" might not be something you'd want to advertise.

Your idea will turn you into a target.

In general, if you are trying to turn your home into the "anti-school," my
own experience tells me that you will bring the wrath of the school down
upon yourself, and while we know that you are trying to help those children
escape school, the price might be high for you personally.

If your put signs on your house that incite the teachers, you are certain to
get some very nasty phone calls from those teachers and their friends and

I would not put it past the teacher's union that they would send some very
bad people to your house and do things to it that you can't imagine.

My advice is to try to find one parent at a time, and do for them the same
thing that this list does....provide information and reassurance that there
is a better way for a child to grow up.

Ned Vare


It isn't about being anti school or advertising home or unschooling just some thought provoking quotes from some well known people that don't say anything bad about schools at all.
I should have known not to ask this list for anything as always my post has been ignored when I wanted the help and now a lecture given on why I should or should not do something, that was not what my question was it was does anyone have any great quotes. (my mistake for explaining why I wanted them!)
and as far as my email address is concerned I don't find it to be a problem if others do that is their own problem. thank you for the suggestion
Tanya Simpson
Used books, textbooks and workbooks

"The people who oppose your ideas are inevitably those who represent the established order that your ideas will upset."
-Anthony D'Angelo

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


on 8/18/02 2:16 PM, Luz Shosie and Ned Vare at nedvare@... wrote:

> If your put signs on your house that incite the teachers, you are certain to
> get some very nasty phone calls from those teachers and their friends and
> relatives.

Well, if you're expressing to the teachers the opinions of teachers that you
do here is it surprising that they wouldn't be sending flowers?

I suspect that if you express understanding of the positive reasons why
people go into teaching in the first place that you might find there are
some, if not many, teachers who actually agree with homeschooling and even
unschooling. If you broadbrush them all with the assumption that they're all
motivated by the same things that motivate the teachers who are bitterly
taking advantage of the system that has used them up and treated them with
contempt there won't be much of a reason for them or the parents who trust
teachers to listen to you.

We can understand how people can know they're right without agreeing that
they're right. But if we treat people with contempt and as though they were
the enemy, we'll get contempt back and they will be the enemy.


Tia Leschke

>We can understand how people can know they're right without agreeing that
>they're right. But if we treat people with contempt and as though they were
>the enemy, we'll get contempt back and they will be the enemy.

What goes around, comes around.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Tia Leschke
On Vancouver Island