Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/17/02 1:32 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 10:46:37 -0400 (EDT)
> From: michele-nappi@...
> Subject: Re: Digest Number 2256
> What about vouchers for homeschooling? If we are able to use them to
> choose a public school and the government "lets us" home unschool why
> can't we get our money and use it at home? Michele

This question begs the better solution of separating the government from
education altogether so that money would not be taken by force from people
who do not use the schools. If we kept our own money, we could spend it for
our own children's education as we see best. Wow, what a concept.

In short -- because the teachers' unions run the schools, and they know that
every dollar that goes to vouchers is less for them. Since the teachers'
unions contribute heavily to the elections of school-supporting politicians,
the politicians hold the purse strings of tax money, and give every
advantage to those unions in return for their contributions. It's simple

A famous remark by Albert Shanker, the former head of the AFT (American
Federation of Teachers, the second largest teachers' union) was, "When
homeschoolers start paying teacher union dues, that's when this union will
start working for them." (the quote might not be exact)

Ned Vare