
Ned, Thanks for the comments. Loved them. Made me feel better about
all of this.

Bob, Alittle info I can share. I feel as though not only have I been
struck re:unschooling, but about 2 yrs ago I went thru a
transformation. Grew up in a fundamentalist family who lived at
church. My father is a big hypocrite in the faith. Started my
family knowing the kids needed to church as I have always done.
Quickly realized thru various episodes that church isn't always the
answer. We quit our church about 2 yrs ago and lost quite a few
friends/contacts. I can honestly say that all of my family are born
again followers of Christ. But we won't look like the typical
fundamentalist family. We no longer go to church, we don't have
regular bible devotions, and we no longer school at home. Of course
our families think we have lots of to answer for but I have seen the
My kids are happier now. There biggest complaints about church was
the rules and the constant skimming of the bible stories. After all
how many times can you talk about Noah and never get past the story.
My kids want to know how bad that ark smelled and who cleaned up the
poop. Not there was once a man.....
I'm sure I will lose a few more friends when they find out I no
longer school at home.
But I know that I love Jesus and that my kids do too. Isn't that
what is the most important message in Christianity?


[email protected]

In a message dated 8/15/2002 5:11:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
Hatfield72@... writes:
> But I know that I love Jesus and that my kids do too. Isn't that
> what is the most important message in Christianity?


I will get back to you. That is very interesting and I think I can relate.
But I fear if I respond just now, I'm gonna ramble, ignore what needs to be
done here at home right now, and well, you get the picture ...


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]