Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/14/02 11:57 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> ~heather asks, in fun,
> Ps- and Ned - what is hell anyway ;-) just kidding -

Hell is listening to young mothers taling about what curriculum to stuff
down their kid's throat this year. Hell is watching parent smack their
children in the supermarket because they reached out and touched something
irresistable on a shelf.

Hell is imagining a Hell just because some fool said it exists and I should
fear going there after I live a life of doing my best whether it exists or

Are we off topic yet? ....No?.... OK, Hell is missing short putts. Hell
is homework. I've made several hour-long TV programs, called "School is
Hell" and they play regularly on cable access hereabouts. I'm sure those
make a little Hell for the local school pushers. (anyone want copies?)
(now I have to say "no wink intended," when I follow a question mark with a

Hell is caring what other people think.

Ned Vare
Everybody's doin' the best they can. --- Bob Dylan