Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/14/02 8:38 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Hi,
> I work at Toys R Us and was straightening the baby toy aisle the other
> night. There were several boxes of this musical light-up gizmo and one box
> that was slightly different. Same toy, older packaging. I read the virtues
> of this toy, and the old box listed FUN! On the new boxes there was no such
> word. It was replaced by EDUCATIONAL!
> Mary J

Ned gets another word in:

That's right, Mary J. Toys and games are "educational" and Public School
is sold as FUN. It's another example of all the reversals taking place in
society and the schools. Reading is taught as therapy instead of skill.
Sex is taught as an "activity" to public school kids, while morality is
"relative" and situational ethics. God and the commandments were
replaced(not that I favor religion in those schools) by a priesthood of
employees and unions with different rules. Failure is not possible in
school any more (problem is, neither is success)

And pre-unschooling programs have curricula. Go figger. No wonder we have to
ask, Am I crazy?

Ned Vare