Lee Roversi

Aloha dear listmates-

Quite a lively list these days! And always jammed with interesting and
thought-provoking dialogue.

On the topic of insurance for an older unschooler - I have tackled this in
my own way. . . both for the insane realm of health insurance and the
difficult realm of child support. I enrolled my son in Clonlara. I know it
doesn't fit into the supposed outline of unschooling, but we needed to do
something in order to satisfy the bureaucracy as to the "authenticity" of
his schooling endeavors. This did it - he got a school ID card and a letter
from Clonlara saying that he was enrolled. It cost $500, but this was far
less than the alternative of loosing insurance and/or child support. Now,
my son is continuing his own education in his own creative way . . . we are
currently preparing a "portfolio" of his endeavors (which, by the way,
looks nothing short of stellar - another unschooling shining star!). He
doesn't know where his studies will take him, we remain unattached - but
the 'authorities' are satisfied.

Hope this is helpful - and by the way, would that unschooled 19 year old
son be interested in dialoguing with another 19 year old unschooled young
man? Contact off list, if so.

In aloha, Lee
North Country Farms
An Organic Family Farm & Tropical B&B Cottages
. . . an eco-tourism destination . . .
P.O. Box 723
Kilauea, HI 96754
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