
Oh my gosh, thank you! I thought I was the only one with the problem.
My son is so into Legos and wanted to visit a factory. I found out
the company is from Denmark. So I planned this big so-called study
with Danish food, languages. I was up till 1 am downloading all of
this junk. I was so hoping this would branch off into Vikings.
They completely loved making the Danish recipes and hearing the
language of the net but want nothing to do with the rest.
I'm reading the books on Vikings b/c my "cheap" side can't let any
thing go to waste, you know!

What a learning experience for me. And I am sure that this will
happen next week w/ something else. Just about the time I 'm letting
my creative juices grow I get stopped cold.

[email protected]

Dear Tina,
Same with me.. I woukd get excited about whatever the subject was and the
kids interest would hit the brakes! Now I'm more the resource provider.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]