
This was mailed to me after my negative post on HSLDA. I thought
some of you might have a message for this person.....I did respond
and would be happy to pass her email only to those interested in
letting her know the truth about HSLDA. All I can think is GAG!!!!

Dear Gruvystarchild, Greetings, I read your letter and when my
children were younger I was greatful to have someone out there
watching out for my interest re: home schooling, because like you I
could not put the time forward. Now my children are much older and I
still feel blessed to have HSLDA watching my back along with every
other homeschool family, yet now I am able to also help advocate
along side them and other groups who believe in our rights to home
school.Here in the US states HSLDA fights hard to preserve our right
to homeschool. I know personally families that they helped when being
harrassed by school officials. Without them one of these families
would have complied and sent thier son back to public school. HSLDA
is in Washington DC fighting to preserve our rights as home schoolers
and continually monitoring the laws that affect home schoolers. With
all due respect, I am an advocate for HSLDA because without them many
people would just sit back and let the goverment, state and city
officials tell us what we can and cannot do when it come to educating
our children at home. A perfect example is prayer taken out of
school, no one stood up and wham, it was accomplished and the same
with the Pledge Allegiance, thank God though we have people fighting
for this one. Take care and God bless, Mary W.