
What if every parent who intended to and did send a child to
kindergarten at
>5 said "up until that time, we were unschoolers, but now it's time
him to
>go to school

I had a good laugh over this one,as my younger sister does this all
the time! She sends all of her children to school at age 6, (the
last of four attending this year) but when she had pre-schoolers in
the grocery store she would always say she "homeschooled"! Drives
me crazy!
Someone asked about historical fiction for younger boys? Two of my
sons have learned to read BECAUSE of the Childhood of Famous
Americans books about Kit Carson, Jim Bowie, Daniel Boone. They
love the outdoors so much and want to be real wilderness men. Both
have struggled with learning to read until about age 8, then we
started reading this type of book out loud, and soon they were
reading them themselves. My 9-year-old is just getting to that
point, it has been three years of using "100 Easy Lessons" (tried
Hooked on Phonics borrowed from the library, and yuck, we hated it!)
but the real "catch" in learning to read came when they discovered
books they really wanted to read themselves!

By the way, anyone else really miss "Growing Without Schooling"?

Mary from IA