Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/10/02 10:18 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

>> Message: 18
>> Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 14:39:32 EDT
>> From: PSoroosh@...
>> Subject: school financing and economics debates
Ned wrote:
>> <<Parents -- not politicians or government employees -- should choose how
>> their own money should be spent for their own children's education.
>> Nobody has a right to anyone else's property.

Scroll down to the end, please, if you recall the following lightly veiled
>> Ned --
>> You have apparently not read enough economics to have understood the
>> concepts
>> of public goods and positive/negative externalities and some of the causes
>> and solutions to market failure. Neither have most of the other people
>> here,
>> so it is difficult for them to counter even some of the most simplistic
>> arguments, without the ability to draw upon and articulate those somewhat
>> more complex concepts. It doesn't make you right, it just makes it
>> frustrating and annoying to watch the process.
>> This is not a good place to argue economics - people are not here because
>> they are interested in that. If I thought they were, I'd jump in and
>> provide
>> plenty of arguments, based on sound economic reasoning, for why it DOES
>> make
>> sense, in a mixed economy, such as that of the United States, for some of
>> our
>> tax dollars to be used for educating other people's children and for a
>> number
>> of other purposes.
>> However, like I said, people did not COME to this list to argue economics,
>> not even the economics of public school financing. A really good place for
>> that kind of argument, if you want to do it with other homeschoolers, is
>> the
>> NHEN-Legislative yahoogroups list.
>> Please EVERYONE ELSE WHO IS NOT INTERESTED --- the way list topics get
>> perpetuated is by people responding to them - you vote with your own posts
>> <G>
>> . If you want these kinds of threads to die a natural death, stop
>> responding
>> to them, no matter how difficult that may be. Those who ARE interested and
>> want to continue - please make the subject line clear so that the rest of
>> us
>> can delete the messages more easily. Thank you.
>> --Pam Sorooshian

Ned responds:

After all that, it seems you could have more quickly just told us your own
theories instead of pompously assuming we are all unwashed gourds.

You did mention that you could provide plenty of arguments, based on sound
economic reasoning. Tell us, would that be the reasoning behind the economic
boom of the 90s or the current bust? And what about the reasoning behind our
country's providing The Al Quaeda with $40M just days before 9/11...

So please, teach us your sound economic reasoning. There's still time.

Ned Vare
Ignorance is the mother of prejudice

[email protected]

Ned wrote to Pam Sorooshian:

<<Ned responds:

<<After all that, it seems you could have more quickly just told us your own
theories instead of pompously assuming we are all unwashed gourds.>>


<< So please, teach us your sound economic reasoning. There's still time. >>

Ned, I object to your tone and your intent in this. Pam Sorooshian has
helped unschoolers more over the years than I think you can ever hope to do
and she does not deserve your public disdain.
