Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/10/02 10:18 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

Ellen wrote: in message 1

> this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation, stands mainly in need
> of freedom."
> -- Albert Einstein

Ned responds:
I emphatically agree. As John Holt tells us, the job of parenting is to give
children access to the world, and that doesn't mean the school world which
is totally artificial. Einstein is talking about freedom from what schools
do. Unschooling is the key, and it means Anything Except what schools do.

Think of unschooling as letting your child's own life begin, in which the
child begins to take the reins and control his/her own learning. Unschooling
parents accept the truth that learning is happening all day, every day. We
accept that we cannot be aware, nor can even our children, of what is
entering their minds as "learning" and what is being filtered away.

What we must do is trust that if we have provided them with tools and access
and the freedom to choose what interests them, we are doing the best we can.

Ned Vare