Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/10/02 9:25 AM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

> Message: 14
> Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 08:17:11 -0400
> From: Fetteroll <fetteroll@...>
> Subject: Re: MA court case (was Re: 2219 Death from Religion)
> on 8/10/02 5:44 AM, Dnowens@... at Dnowens@... wrote:
>> This said, I just don't understand any ideal or
>> moral code that would allow me to be so antiestablishment as to go as far as
>> having Moly and Jack removed from my home.

Joyce wrote:
> The children weren't removed from the home. The Bryants have physical
> custody. They need to ask the state's permission (through DSS) to make any
> changes in the care of their children (taking them out of state, moving for
> example). But they are still homeschooling.
> It ain't pretty, that's for sure. The repercussions were certainly far worse
> than the crime. And i've never had any illusions of the state of MA being a
> handsoff entity.

Ned agrees:
Thanks, Joyce.

Nobody should have illusions about their state, IMO. And I can't understand
why a court case about unschoolers is not appropriate for this unschoolers'
list. If there was anything that's pertinent, that seems to be it.

This may not be the place for discussing the details, but it seems like one
good place to tell parents and others that there are people in power who
don't want us to be free, and are working constantly to find ways to
demonstrate their power over us. If we don't work for our rights -- even if
the restrictions seem minimal -- our freedoms will be restricted further
until they are all gone. Government hardly ever relinquishes its power

Ned Vare
How to boil a frog: Starting in cool comfortable water, increase the heat
gradually -- imperceptibly to the frog -- until it's too late -- he's
cooked, before he knows it.