Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

on 8/9/02 9:46 PM, [email protected] at
[email protected] wrote:

Joanna writes:
> Ideally we should get the money for our children that is being spent on other
>citizens children,<

Ned sez:
Yes, with this further thought: It's OUR money to start with.
Ideally, we should (be allowed to) keep the money in the first place. No one
should be forced to pay for other people's children. If we help others, it
should be because we want to, not because our home will be confiscated if we
don't. This is you have the right to take your neighbor's
property? If not, what gives the govenment such a right. The government was
created to protect our rights, not violate them.

Joanna writes, concerning vouchers:
> I chose to take my children out of the system and i don't want
> anything else to do with it. Asking for our fair share comes with a
> whole lot more than we are bargaining for. there is no getting
> around that.
> Joanna

Ned answers:
I totally agree. No one should be required to have anything to do with (or
be forced to pay for) anything they do not use or don't approve of. That
would be tyranny.

There are only two methods of dealing with people: Voluntarily, or by force.
Public schools get their funding by force -- the schools use a third party
(government) to collect their money for them by force.

The voucher movement is a partial measure in recovering an element of choice
for parents, but the idea still leaves the fund collecting to the state and
its force, and that will be the next big issue -- making funding voluntary.

Meanwhile, if vouchers give just a few children the means of escaping from
horrible schools, then they get my support. Ultimately, the only fair
solution is for all school funding to be supported by the parents who choose
them, with a variety of private scholarship methods to help needy families.

While the government schools are getting more and more oppressive and
despotic, there is a balancing movement, such as homeschooling and a growth
of private schooling, and growing awareness of the needs of growing
children. We are an integral part of that counter balance.

Ned Vare
crazy libertarian ranter