Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

Somebody wrote: (sorry, but I lost the who )
>> I steadfastly refuse to buy anything from a child (or adult for that
>> matter) that goes to support a school, don't they have enough of our
>> paycheck? >>

Ned asserts:
Those kids who ply the streets selling "crap" (as someone said) for the
public schools are being used to convince taxpayers in their towns that the
schools actually "need" more money than they have. It is part of the
child/parents indoctrination process and part of the constant selling of the
next year's school budget. (In my state, CT, each town collects property
taxes that pays the lion's share of school spending. A small percent is
income taxes collected by the state and returned from state coffers to the
local school districts)

The little dears are told that their school can't provide for their proper
education because the taxpayers are refusing to raise the budgets. They
choose a catagory, say band instruments, and the kids are sent door to door
selling something that nobody needs, and they raise a little, or a lot of
money. The little dears are made to believe that they are victims of greedy
residents and stingy taxpayers. It's part of the anti-community,
self-alienation routine.

They can use it as one more excuse for their failure to educate those kids.

Well, the school folks can ALWAYS find something that they are lacking -- so
can everybody -- and then claim they need money for it. This is the process
of keeping the public pre-occupied with the public schools. It not only
helps to keep the kids' time totally controlled by the schools, but it
includes the parents and all other residents. They run one scam after
another keeping the ball rolling for school employees.

The purpose is Public Relations for next year's outrageous budget that
includes pay increases for two or three times as many employees as are
needed to run a decent school. (In my community, there is one employee for
every 6.15 children.)

Ned Vare

[email protected]

In a message dated 8/9/02 5:59:12 PM, nedvare@... writes:

<< They
choose a catagory, say band instruments, and the kids are sent door to door
selling something that nobody needs, and they raise a little, or a lot of
money. The little dears are made to believe that they are victims of greedy
residents and stingy taxpayers. It's part of the anti-community,
self-alienation routine. >>

Ned, I'm guessing you were never in band.

<<They run one scam after
another keeping the ball rolling for school employees.>>

The fundraising money goes to extras, and you KNOW that, but you will use
anything, won't you, to fuel the fire people have asked you to stop flaming
