Luz Shosie and Ned Vare

Tia wrote:
>>From what I've seen, the vast majority of
>>people support the public schools, even a large percentage of
>>homeschoolers. They may not like the way the schools do things, but most
>>don't want to get rid of them.

Ned responds:

It's not about getting rid of the state-run schools (even though it would,
in the end, help everyone), it's about forcing people to pay for what they
don't approve of or use.

In order not to violate other people's rights, the people who "support"
government schools should be the ones who do so financially, so that those
who do not approve of them would not be forced to pay for them, and could
afford to pay for their own choice of school (or not-school) for their kids.
As it is, the inflated cost of government school is creating the high taxes
that prevent many people from sending their kids to other schools. School
taxes force those people to pay twice to send their kids to school. They
force homeschooling parents to pay even though we don't use them.

The argument about, "It's so the poor kids will have schools..." is specious
because the schools where the poor kids go are always the worst. They are
denied education and it's BECAUSE of the schools they must attend.

Just today, on another list, came news of a new national poll about
vouchers. The results included the finding that HALF of all people who have
school age kids would accept vouchers in order to send their kids to a
school other than the gov't school. HALF think they would do better.

Why should they be forced to pay for it? Let the field be level.

Ned Vare

Tia Leschke

>It's not about getting rid of the state-run schools (even though it would,
>in the end, help everyone), it's about forcing people to pay for what they
>don't approve of or use.

It's really about your libertarian philosophy, something you'll never
convince me is a good idea. It isn't about unschooling.

What you think of me is none of my business.
Tia Leschke leschke@...
On Vancouver Island