
"Sometimes it's hard to stand out from the crowd and be different. I
feel like I quite fit in with anyone's crowd. I'm further different
most because I also homeschool and even UNschool, do not vaccinate,
had a
homebirth, and also try to practice natural medicine when at all

After reading this (I knew these about you before, but it was good to
be reminded) I got all excited about meeting you at the conference
It is tiring to believe SO deeply in something and always have people
question you as though you were nuts.
I have exactly ONE friend at work that is accepting of my lifestyle.
The rest of them I'm friendly with, but they think I'm nuts.....
I have no desire to fit in with the sheep though.

You are still coming to the SC conference Karin? I really, really
hope so...we have so much in common.

Sandra was saying recently how it must be kinda nice to just believe
in the status quo and feel comfortable in yhour life rather than
questioning everything. I have also thought this.....dh and I talked
about it the other day.
How you could just be content with things the way they are, trust the
government, your preacher/religion and not always feel the need to
swim upstream. I said it might feel nice to be like that, but in the
end I wouldn't want to live a lie. And that's what it'd be to me. A
big, fat LIE. I'll take the road less traveled anytime.
Joy and satisfaction have been found there, along with the inability
to be content with the status quo.
Onward fellow revolutionists!!
