Home Education Magazine by way of Home


August 2002


Welcome to HEM'S ONLINE NEWS! For more information on Home Education
Magazine, see the end of this newsletter or visit our web site at
http://home-ed-magazine.com. Send your comments and questions to
editor Carol Narigon at HEM-Newsletter@....

In the August issue:

~ Watercolor Children ~
~ Freebies ~
~ Questions and Answers ~
~ Unschooling ~
~ Trusting the Children, Trusting Ourselves ~
~ Not Going Back to School-YAY! ~
~ Math is Power ~
~ NHEN Launches Membership Drive! ~
~ FlyLady ~
~ Unclassified Ads ~
~ The Final Word ~


It is, in fact, nothing short of a miracle that the modern methods of
instruction have not yet entirely strangled the holy curiosity of
inquiry; for this delicate little plant, aside from stimulation,
stands mainly in need of freedom. ~ Albert Einstein ~



In his introduction ["The Watercolorist's Essential Notebook" author
Gordon] MacKenzie writes "...Watercolors are not recommended for
those who are unwilling to relinquish the role of 'master.'" He
counsels that the would-be artist become, instead, "a partner in the
process" of creating a painting. Hmm. That seems true of
homeschooling. He goes on: "In this medium you must be willing to
play the role of both patient director and alert stagehand, while the
pigment and water are free to perform their magic. Try to push this
medium around, and it quickly loses its charm, its transparent
radiance and its life."

Hmm again. How often have we advised parents to act as facilitators
rather than directors of their children's' learning? I know I've
often written that learning happens best when the learner is
encouraged rather than instructed. These were interesting parallels:
the comparisons between what MacKenzie was telling me about painting
and what we've been telling parents about homeschooling for 20 years.
MacKenzie explains "...Unlike a book of rules that tend to close our
minds, this is a collection of principles, concepts, and general
information designed to expand the creative process." He writes that
much of his material is based on "common sense, visual perception,
and your own innate sense of design."

I've often written that homeschooling is based on common sense,
parental perception, and one's own innate sense of what one's
children need. MacKenzie goes on: "We all embrace an individual sense
of what 'feels right' that also seems to reflect an unconscious
universal consensus." This made sense to me when I thought about how
new homeschooling parents almost instinctively know how to teach
their kids to read, or how little advanced mathematics is really

MacKenzie advises, "The hardest part about this is believing in your
ability to do it. The second hardest part is shutting off that little
left-brain voice that says 'This is stupid. It won't work.' It takes
courage to step into the unknown and trust what you find..."

How many times have I written those very words to parents worried
about whether or not their children will ever learn to read? It takes
courage to step into the unknown. And yet just as MacKenzie advises
me to let go and trust the process of water and paint and paper, so
I've often advised parents to let go and trust the process of
children and exploring and learning. If letting go of a little paint
and water takes courage, how much more courage must be involved when
one knows the letting go will affect their child's future?
~~ Excerpt from Helen Hegener's Publisher's Note in the July/August
issue of HEM ~~

You can read the rest of this colorful column, as well as a couple of
articles and columns from the July/August issue at the address above,
but you'll have to get the magazine--the one you hold in your
hands--to read them all! See special subscription information at the
end of this newsletter or visit your local bookseller to get your
copy today.



Get a free double-sided poster of the lands explored by Lewis and
Clarke from the Sierra Club at
http://www.sierraclub.org/lewisandclark/freemap.asp .

I've ordered this one, but it hasn't come yet. You're supposed to get
a free book titled "How to Go to College Cost Free." Having just paid
my son's tuition, I really hope this book has some good information.

Usually I'm not interested in homeschool planners and such, but this
site has a free unschool planner as well as various other planner
pages and list pages. If you need to keep a portfolio for state
requirements or just like to keep a journal of your days, you might
find some of these useful.



Questions for the November/December issue of Home Education
Magazine's Questions and Answers column:

"My husband and I would like to homeschool our three children, the
oldest of whom is now five and eligible to start kindergarten in the
fall. She desperately wants to go to 'real school' (her words not
ours) like her friends and like she sees children do in books,
magazines, TV etc. For the first time, a magazine she receives
(Click!) has a homeschool family attending a picnic, but otherwise
everything she reads is about children in school. Any ideas on how we
can make this feel more like a special opportunity and less like we
are preventing her from doing what she wants to do?" ~~ Inge O'Connor

"I have always been the one to take the pictures, write down the
titles of books, search the net for resources, etc. Is there a more
efficient way? Now that my children are preteens, I'd like to know
how others get their kids to keep track of their learning."
~~ Linden Glenn ~~

To answer a question, or propose your own question, please write to
Laura Weldon via ReaderResponse@... or Questions &
Answers, c/o Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket, WA
98855. Your responses must meet our deadline of the 1st. Please
recognize that your submission may be edited for length or clarity.
Indicate how you prefer your question or answer signed. Questions and
Answers runs in each issue of Home Education Magazine and can be
found on our website.



"Oh my!! I just had a flashback! Before our unschooling days, my
5-yr-old DS and I were in the lunchbox aisle in Wal-Mart and he was
picking out his lunchbox for school. As he was standing there holding
it, it suddenly dawned on me (with much force) that he and I would no
longer be eating lunch together. I broke down and cried, right on the
spot. Later that evening when his dad got home, he said, 'Mama cried
in Wal-Mart today.' My husband looked duly concerned and asked me,
'Why? What happened?' And my sweet little son replied, 'Because I get
to go to school and she doesn't.' Of course he was thinking that he
was going to a wonderful place. He had a very different opinion after
the very first day, and told me 'Mom, I think you were crying in
Wal-Mart that day for a different reason.'

He is now well into his teens and we did go shopping this week for
some new goodies. But it was SO NICE to just all go home together
again and BE together and use our new stuff! You should see my house.
Stuff strewn all over the place. You can't find the carpet. Or the
walls, either. Art 'masterpieces' stuck all over the place." ~~ Ginny
on one of the unschooling.com message boards ~~

Unschooling.com offers a free monthly newsletter, message boards, an
email list and more just for unschoolers. To subscribe to the email
list send a blank email to:
[email protected]
Or visit the email list website at:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Unschooling-dotcom .


The 2002 California Home=Education Conference
August 16-18, Radisson Hotel Sacramento.

A weekend of inspiring talks, workshops, and fun activities for
everyone in the family! Keynotes: Jane Healy and Frank Smith.
Featured speakers: Mary Griffith, David Albert, Sandra Dodd, Richard
Prystowsky, Marty Layne, Laurel Schmidt, Donald Asher, Wes Beach,
Lenore Hayes and Roneale Berry. Delightful programs for teens,
tweens and kids, as well as new panels and lots of round table
discussions among homeschoolers. http://conference.hsc.org, or email
conference@... or info@....

Whoops! I will be at the conference, but Linda Dobson won't, in spite
of what I said last month. ~CN~



Aren't you glad your kids aren't going back to school this month? I
see those ads for back-to-school clothes and supplies, the ones where
the parents can't wait for the kids to go back and the kids aren't
really so happy about it, and I feel sad. When those busses start
running, I'm always thankful my kids aren't on them, looking like the
kids who gaze out the windows with unhappy, glazed-over faces because
they don't want to be taken away on the big banana.

Yeah, I know some kids like school. But for all of those kids who
just want to escape and can't see any way out, I sure wish their
parents would take advantage of what I think is the best educational
choice a family can make--living and learning together as a family.

This month, celebrate back-to-school-NOT.


We think parents and kids should be together! So with this issue we
are running a special to encourage you to do just that - be with your
kids. Our "Don't Send Your Kids to School!" special is available to
HEM's Online News readers and offers a one year subscription for only
$20.00. Subscribe at:
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/ORD/_nottoschool.html (or see contact
info near the end of this newsletter.)



I found myself caught up in this website playing arcade games when I
should have been working on this newsletter. In addition to arcade
games, you'll find a section on math challenges for families to
figure out together, a message board where you can ask math
questions, a math search engine and more. Try some of the math
challenges as you're eating dinner together some night. This website
is supported by the National Science Foundation, just a click away
from this math site.



Since its founding in 1999, NHEN, an all-volunteer organization
connecting homeschoolers nationwide, has evolved into a respected
source of information for the homeschooling community as well as the
general public. Our award-winning website contains a wealth of
first-hand information about homeschooling, written from a variety of
viewpoints. In keeping with our mission statement, NHEN espouses no
one particular political agenda or homeschooling philosophy.
Instead, we know that homeschooling parents can read all of the
material and determine for themselves what is best for their family.

In response to media requests, we help reporters find accurate,
balanced information about homeschooling and put them in touch with
NHEN members who have previously indicated a willingness to be
interviewed. Information and interviews provided by NHEN contacts
have appeared in articles in Time, on National Public Radio, and
other national, state, and local media.

All homeschoolers are invited to participate in our network. NHEN
membership is free. By joining NHEN you will add your voice to those
of thousands of other homeschoolers who have approved our mission
statement. NHEN operates only through volunteer contributions. Once
you've joined, be sure to read the NHENotes and find out how you
could help! NHEN T-shirts, fanny packs, and tote bags are also
available for sale. And, as a 501C3 nonprofit organization, NHEN is
happy to receive a donation of any size.

Join us and help change the way the world sees homeschooling!

National Home Education Network
P.O. Box 7844
Long Beach, California 90807



You'll either love her or hate her. No, the FlyLady doesn't really
have anything to do with homeschooling or flying for that matter, but
a lot of homeschoolers swear by her program for keeping their houses
manageable. Let's face it. We live in our houses. Very few
homeschoolers go out to a job for 8-10 hours every day and come home
to a clean house. We live in our homes all day, every day, except
when we're running out the door leaving the peanut butter, jelly and
bread open on the counter for the dog to drag down and eat.

FlyLady can help you tame the dirty clutter monster. She sends a
daily motivational email, the backbone of the program, and offers a
detailed plan on her website for getting control and keeping control
in an hour a day or less. Starting out as a "FlyBaby," you are
instructed to "get dressed to your shoes" every morning, take a 15
minute break every hour, laugh every day, clean one zone (out of 5
rotating zones) every week, hit the Hot Spots, 5-minute room rescues
and perform the entertaining 27 Fling Boogie. (I can vouch for the
dressing to your shoes part. It's really easy as homeschoolers to
stay in our PJs and never really feel ready to start on those
drudgery chores. Dressing to your shoes makes a bigger difference
than you would think.)

Not everybody takes to the FlyLady. Some of us have our own routines
and we're happy with how our houses look. But I know a number of
homeschoolers who feel she's saved their lives by giving them some
structure and a reason to get started in the morning. Me, I wish
she'd just come and clean my house for me! Ready for a challenge,



For information on purchasing unclassified advertising space in this
newsletter, please contact the editor at



Players of all ages will have fun for hours challenging their
spelling skills as they play the new educational board game, The
Great Word Race. You'll never believe spelling can be so much fun!
Race to the finish by spelling words and advancing your pawn based on
the number of letters in the word you build. Visit our website and
check out our game. Our "How to Play" page has complete instructions
on how to play the game. http://www.TheGreatWordRace.com


New science and art books for spring and summer are in...several new
series to engage and delight your children and you. Shop online and
earn FREE books at: http://www.UsborneAmerica.com. For personal
shopping service, email SharonVE@... or call 888-474-8499 toll
free. Sharon Vander Ende, Supervisor, Usborne America.



RAISE A NUMBER TO THE 0.16 POWER? That's what you have to do to
calculate the Wind-Chill index. The latest issue of our FREE
hilarious math newsletter explains all about powers of numbers,
making them clear as water in a mountain lake. Subscribe to the
Gnews, download free examples of our moneyback-guaranteed CD-ROM
Solid Gold Gnarly Math, show your children how much fun Algebra,
Geometry, Trig, Topology, and Probability can be, and refresh your
own math, all at http://www.gnarlymath.com .


What do you call your family? Unschoolers...Interest-Based
Learners...Life-Long Learners...Eclectic Homeschoolers...Learner-Led
Schoolers...Relaxed Homeschoolers? Whatever you call yourselves, The
Resourceful Homeschooler carries great books, science materials and
kits, learning games, and the most interesting software. Visit us at
http://www.resourcefulhomeschooler.com . Materials to involve,
inspire and support independent learners of all ages!


Headsprout Reading is the fun, Internet-delivered beginning reading
program that will give your child a real advantage by systematically
teaching essential skills and strategies ensuring reading success and
confidence. Outstanding fast results! After just five 20-minute
animated, interactive episodes, children read their first Headsprout
book. Act quickly! For a limited time you can try out Headsprout
Reading FOR FREE!
http://www.headsprout.com . Please enter the promotional code: HENK8


Get world renowned Dr. Jacob R. Mittleider's 'Mittleider Basics
Course' free at www.growfood.com. Go to Online Education section and
enjoy. Books, Natural Mineral Nutrients & CD ROM's also available.
Also, look at the Garden Master CD, with $70 in Mittleider gardening
books and manuals and a great program to take your children through
every step of the gardening process. Took 3 years & $100,000 to
create and costs only $29.95. Look in Products under Garden Master.


In the July/August issue of Home Education Magazine, you'll enjoy
articles on learning to write without school, German, single-parent
homeschooling, a family learning center and more. Columns include:
Peter Kowalke wonders if college and homeschool fit; Linda Dobson
celebrates independence; Laura Weldon offers advice on animal
husbandry and science; Ann Zeise stays on-topic in email
conversations; and Barbara Theisen goes to infinity and beyond. Other
columnists include Larry and Susan Kaseman, Sandra Dodd, Becky Rupp,
David Albert and Carol Narigon. HEM also offers a special essay by
publisher Helen Hegener, classified ads, letters and discussion, pen
pals and networking, and more.

Subscriptions to Home Education Magazine are regularly $32.00 for one
year/6 issues; single issue $6.50. Take advantage of our "Don't Send
Your Kids to School!" offer:

Or Home Education Magazine, PO Box 1083, Tonasket WA 98855; for
orders: toll-free 1-800-236-3278; email orders@....
MC/Visa cards accepted.



Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you
didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail
away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. ~~ Mark Twain ~~


Thanks for reading HEM's Online News! Pass it on to your friends! To
subscribe, visit our web site at
http://www.home-ed-magazine.com/wlcm_hemnewsltr.html or send an email
to majordomo@... with the words subscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. subscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To unsubscribe, send an email to
majordomo@... with the words unsubscribe
hem-online-newsletter followed by your name@your address.com in the
body of the email. (e.g. unsubscribe hem-online-newsletter
youremailaddress). To change the address at which you receive the
newsletter, unsubscribe your old address and then subscribe to your
new one.

See you next month!

Carol Narigon, Newsletter Editor
Mark and Helen Hegener, Publishers of Home Education Magazine