zenmomma *

>>wow! i'm impressed...my kids are doing things all day, they are 7 and 5yo
>>boys,but writing is the last thing on their minds- do any of you have
>>young boys that love to write? i worry about this...i wonder that i'm too
>>close in my mind still, to school vs. education!!!help!

Hey Audrey, try not to worry. Writing is a small motor skill. Casey has
always been a small motor skill kind of gal. She also likes to work with
those teeny tiny seed beads, so small you use a needle to pick them up.
That's just her. Writing has been a joy for her and so she's used it,
practiced it and played with it. Like I said, it looks very schooly even
though I never pushed schooly thought on her.

My son Conor is 13 now and still hates the physical act of writing. He can
tell stories, play online games and type slowly, but writing just tires his
hands. I often wonder if he avoids it so much because it was forced on him
so young when he was still in school. :-/ I think lots of kids, boys
especially, come to writing later rather than sooner. Playing, using those
big muscle groups, are what these kids need to be doing. When they have a
need to begin writing, it will be so much easier to help them when they're a
little older and not so intimidated by those small motor skills.

Life is good.

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