Alicia Knight

> In a message dated 8/3/02 8:25:18 PM, liza@... writes:
> << >Cultivate harmony within your community, and harmony becomes abundant;
> >Cultivate harmony within your culture, and harmony becomes enduring; >>
> . . . .
> <<>Live with a family to understand that family;
> >Live with a community to understand that community;>>
> . . . .
> <<>How can I live with the world?
> >By accepting.>>

Sandra Dodd wrote:

> I'm going to go back to my spanking example.
> Does spanking have to do with unschooling? Lots of ways.
> I grew up in a culture in which spanking was not only common but
> considered a
> necessary part of good parenting.
> I can't accept that.
> I grew up in and around families in which children were shamed and
> belittled.
> Accepting that doesn't promote harmony.
> We grew up surrounded by, inside, working in schools--most of us here.
> Wouldn't the world be more harmonious if we all just give up this
> divisive
> homeschooling folly and accept the culture's decision to have schools,
> and
> send our children back to school, and peacefully live in that culture
> with an
> attitude of acceptance?
> It WOULD be more harmonious.

But it wouldn't be **acceptable** :-) !

This reminds me of the Serenity prayer that is so popular within the
12-step circles:

Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.

I *can* change how my children are educated. I have the courage to
unschool. I also know that this path is not possible for everyone. I
accept this.

Most people unschool along a continuum. Some are farther along the path
than others. I think we can all respect and support each other as we
travel on the same path. Wisdom is more accessible to others when it
comes gently worded.

~ Alicia